Composition and function introduction of intelligent electronic bus stop board advertising player

The bus stop sign is exactly a scenic spot of the city's appearance. As an important intelligent hardware facility of intelligent tourism project platform in urban construction, intelligent electronic bus stop advertising player provides better operation support for urban public transportation with its intelligent, convenient, safe and accurate information collection. It has become one of the favorite devices of traffic management departments and public friends, and plays an important role in the optimization and development of urban transportation. At present, it is widely purchased in cities for the construction of urban intelligent transportation.

The intelligent electronic bus stop sign advertising player is a part of the intelligent public transportation system. Generally speaking, it is to realize the intelligent travel of the whole people and facilitate passengers to obtain public transportation information. The traditional solidified bus signs are highlighted on the LCD screen, which can display the operation status of the bus passing through the station in real time, such as whether the bus is crowded or not, and how far the bus is from the station.

Intelligent electronic bus stop board advertising player is a complex intelligent hardware device, which is mainly composed of structural design, electronic system and heat dissipation device.

1.The intelligent electronic bus stop board advertising player has good practicability and safety protection facilities, which is convenient for the reasonable installation and maintenance of internal equipment, and can ensure the safety of the equipment in operation.

2. The design of advertising player of intelligent electronic bus stop board should also facilitate production, assembly, debugging, packaging and transportation. In order to meet the requirements of standardization, standardization and serialization, as well as the needs of beauty, applicability and color coordination, and fully meet the needs of platform installation.

3.The structural design of intelligent electronic bus stop board advertising player refers to the design of shell technology and internal frame structure. A qualified intelligent electronic bus stop sign should have the following quality conditions: first, it can resist impact, and has the properties of corrosion resistance, dust prevention, waterproof, etc., because only in this way can the stability and reliability of the equipment be ensured.

As an important intelligent device in intelligent bus, intelligent electronic bus stop board advertising player has won the public's favor with its superior performance, and has provided great convenience and data support for alleviating public travel difficulties, improving the current situation of public transport, and promoting the rational planning of public transport. In short, the intelligent electronic bus stop sign is not only a station sign, but also a comprehensive intelligent hardware device, which is of great significance to the development and construction of intelligent cities.

Post time: Jul-12-2022