What is the difference between education Interactive whiteboard and conference Interactive whiteboard?

Many people will have such a question: what is the difference between multimedia teaching Interactive whiteboard and conference Interactive whiteboard? Although both seem to be large screen touch screens, after all, multimedia teaching Interactive whiteboards are generally used in schools and conference Interactive whiteboards are generally used in companies. What is the difference between them? Next, I’ll give you a detailed introduction. The specific contents are as follows:

What is the difference between multimedia teaching Interactive whiteboard and conference Interactive whiteboard?

1. Different operating systems

The operating system is the soul of the machine. Different from other conference tablets simply transplanted with Android system, each conference all-in-one machine has a smart fruit sharing system – an operating system customized for large screen after in-depth study of thousands of conference scenarios. On the basis of in-depth understanding of the conference scene, the fruit sharing system is an efficient black technology, which distinguishes the conference artifact from other conference platforms.

The integrated multimedia teaching interactive whiteboard has a built-in windows system. In order to facilitate teachers’ lesson preparation, more teaching software is installed, which is more like a “big computer”.

2. Different application scenarios

The requirements of two different application scenarios are destined to develop into independent products, which is also the most fundamental difference between them. It is an intelligent conference tablet specially launched for conference scenarios, which liberates conference efficiency internally and helps enterprises accelerate growth; The promotion of external government and enterprise image usually appears in various conference rooms, office areas, large exhibition halls and other places.

The education interactive whiteboard is used for the education of primary and secondary school students. It generally appears in various primary and secondary school classrooms and is suitable for educational institutions.

3. Different application software

The conference system not only has built-in conference application software such as conference housekeeper, enterprise cloud disk and office, but also specially optimizes the software for the large screen, which solves the problem of mismatch between Android native system software and the large screen. With more than 3000 applications, each line can find its own software.

The educational community has a greater demand for all-in-one education machine, and needs a variety of teaching software, covering a variety of disciplines such as “beyond language and physics”.

The all-in-one conference machine often represents the image of a company, so its appearance design is more atmospheric, fashionable without losing stability, full of a sense of science and technology, and goes out of its own aura. It has its own aura and holds the whole audience, whether in various high-end conferences, office areas or large exhibitions.

One machine with multiple functions is to stimulate students’ curiosity and creativity, make the modeling design more vivid and bright, and more in line with children’s aesthetic taste.

What are the similarities between multimedia teaching machine and conference machine?

1. The basic functions are basically the same

“Writing, presentation and interaction” are common requirements in conference and education scenarios, and they are also the basic functions that the conference and education all-in-one machine needs to meet.

2. The hardware configuration is basically the same

Both business meetings and education and training have high requirements for the display screen, so both are equipped with anti burst and anti vertigo HD display screens. Among them, the conference artifact is a full line of 4khd display screens, creating an industry pioneer in order to give users a better experience.

3. Low price and good performance

All in one conference machine and all in one multimedia teaching machine are a breakthrough in the inefficient tradition. They have concentrated the functions of traditional equipment such as computer, curtain, projector and audio, and made a huge upgrade. The cost of equipment purchase, installation and maintenance has been reduced by almost half. It is unspeakable that they are cost-effective.

Through a series of comparisons, I believe we all understand. Although the two are always mentioned together, there are still many differences. A conference all-in-one machine can apply more scenarios, meet more needs and be suitable for more industries, including education industry, but the education interactive whiteboard can not replace the conference interactive whiteboard in many aspects. What industry corresponds to the needs of what industry. Do you know about multimedia teaching all-in-one machine and conference all-in-one machine? The above content is shared with you here. If you want to know more about the multimedia teaching all-in-one machine, please pay attention to LAYSON( https://www.layson-display.com/ ), we will update the content regularly; If you want to inquire about the price of our products, please call us or leave a message on the website. We will contact you in time.

Post time: Jul-27-2021